Monday, July 20, 2009

Week 10 Homeland Security PROTECT 2

This is the 3D line of site map for deliverable 4.

Week 10 Homeland Security PROTECT 1

This is the critical points of ingress/egress map for deliverable 2.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Week 9 HLS Deliverable 2

These are the BAUA MEDS 8 layers completing this week's assignment.

Week 9 HLS Deliverable 1

This is the BAUA MEDS boundaries map.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

New Police Substations Recommendation

This is deliverable 2. Even though there were many steps involved, they weren't hard. I kinda enjoyed this one.

Time of Crimes

This is deliverable 4, Time of Crimes. It was by far the easiest of the 4 deliverables.